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Foodies Group

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Theodore Thompson
Theodore Thompson

Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend

Lara meets up with Anaya in Peru at the Paraíso village square, and after a battle with mercenaries sent by Rutland to stop them, they manage to reach a condemned archaeological dig near Paraíso, where a tragedy befell Lara and her friends many years ago. When Lara was a student on an archaeological excavation, a mysterious demon was released which killed most of the team except for Amanda and Lara. Amanda managed to seemingly destroy the demon by removing a mysterious glowing red stone from a wall. This, however, led to a cave-in. In their attempt to escape, the cave was filled with water and Amanda was buried in falling stones and boulders. In the present, Lara discovers that her old friend had apparently escaped by finding a unlaced tennis shoe after retracing her steps in the present day. She explores the tomb, and uncovers the legend of the Queen of Tiwanaku. Originally the daughter of a benevolent king she was displaced from here home and was raised by a warrior. The Queen rose to power again after meeting a shaman named Tunupa with a magical staff and after ushering in an era of peace she was brought to paradise by a woman in Lake Titicaca after an epic final battle, the culmination of a struggle for power. Lara realizes that the tomb of the Queen of Tiwanaku is linked to Bolivia. She also uncovers a replica blade similar to the one Rutland described. Lara then theorizes that the sword piece is in fact Excalibur of Arthurian legends and that Amanda is working with Rutland to forge the sword fragments. To her surprise, she realizes that the artifact she is hunting has already been discovered, and is in the 'care' of businessman-turned Yakuza boss Shogo Takamoto, who had it stolen from Waseda University. On her way back to Anaya, Lara battles more of the mercenaries and heads to Asia.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend



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