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Kamal Kornilov
Kamal Kornilov

Hacking Adsl How To

In this video tutorial, you'll find a step-by-step guide to how a n00b hacker (like you?) can get usernames and passwords easily through one of the security flaws of the Ethernet ADSL router. More than half of Internet users never change their default password which makes this "hack" easy. Take your time to read the text on the slide. For more, and to get started testing the security of your own Ethernet ADSL router, watch this hacking how-to.

hacking adsl how to

Here I am going to use nmap, which is a commandline tool. Lets tell nmap to scan for open port 80 in that ip range and fetch the daemon banner for the port 80 service if available. The daemon banner is a quick way to distinguish between various types of adsl routers.

Security researcher Kyle Lovett has uncovered a serious security flaw in some ADSL routers given to customers by ISPs, which leaves them vulnerable to remote hacking. These routers have been distributed in countries such as Colombia, India, Argentina, Thailand, Moldova, Iran, Peru, Chile, Egypt, China and Italy. Some of them were also found in the U.S. and other countries, although in those locales they were sold as off the shelf products, rather than being distributed by the ISPs.

The flaw that allows for the hacking to happen is called a "directory traversal" and appears in the router firmware component called webproc.cgi. The attackers can extract a config.xml file which contains the router's configuration settings, including the administrator's password hashes (which can be easily cracked due to the weak hashing algorithm being used), the ISP connection username and password, the Wi-Fi password, and the client and server credentials for the TR-069 remote management protocol used by some ISPs.

In some router hacking cases, a simple power cycle works as a quick fix. This method clears the memory of any malicious code and refreshes your public IP address. Just pull the plug, wait 30 seconds, and then plug the cord back into the outlet.

Contact Davey in confidence by email at, or Twitter DM, if you have a story relating to cybersecurity, hacking, privacy or espionage (the more technical the better) to reveal or research to share.

This hacking spree resulted in total compromise, where I could run commands as root. I found several vulnerabilities in the web interface. Furthermore, I obtained some information from the binaries running on the modem.

From here on it might be possible to do some advanced hacking. The insmod command is available, which can be used to load kernel modules.Hackers would like to make a remote router forward a copy of all network traffic to their own machine so that information can be stolen. The iptables command is available and can be used to do this.

It would be a good idea to protect your own router from such hack attempts. This can be done by disabling remote logins to telnet, http, etc. Login into your configuration page and and find out how to do that.This hacking technique is not just applicable to Bsnl routers. Other ISPs like airtelo use similar routers. It might be possible to try the same thing on them, you just need to scan the IP range.The rest is up to your creativity. Research and find out what else can be done on such routers.

This leads to our last router hacking protection tip, which is to download trusted antivirus software. Instead of analyzing every email for potentially harmful links or files, your antivirus software can help take care of it for you. Along with sending you alerts when threats arise, it also works to clean your system of the intruder.

But what about physically hacking the fiber optics network itself? There are millions of miles of such cables snaking across the globe. Are these vulnerable to tampering? The answer might surprise you.

Hackers are often portrayed as highly intelligent individuals with advanced technical knowhow. Many cybercriminals do fit this description, but the skills needed to hack a fiber network do not require such sophistication. In fact, a cybercriminal would probably work more efficiently by training an accomplice to perform the manual fiber hacking while they focus on managing the software that makes sense of the stolen data.

For the past three months, a cybercrime group has been hacking into home routers --mostly D-Link models-- to change DNS server settings and hijack traffic meant for legitimate sites and redirect it to malicious clones.

In the other category, the author has spent some time trying to understand hacking culture and to describe exactly how the hacker did what he or she did. A good example of this kind of storytelling is The Blue Nowhere by Jeffery Deaver, which I reviewed for a previous Cybersecurity Canon post. Deaver gets the technical details right by describing real-world and fictional tools that the two main hackers use against each other. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo also falls into this latter category. Not only is it a fantastic story, but Larsson also gets the technical details right.

There is an attack that some people have dubbed "lag hacking", and its gaining popularity in multiplayer games. There are at-least two ways of creating artificial latency. One method of introducing artificial latency is using a lag switch, where the user intentionally disconnects their network cable. Another method is using a flood of syn or udp packets to cause controlled and predictable disruption in the game so that a player can gain an unfair advantage. Artificial latency attacks affect a large number of multiplayer games.

As for the lag hacker, eventually he'll have to play fair. The extended loss of bullets will mean he won't use the hack. If anything it will turn into a toolto just run away, which will further expose that he is hacking. A bad network player won't realize he is lagging and losing bullets.

I *think* we're a tiny bit more hackable than a PC BIOS since the really early bootloader is the open "lk".OTOH if you're alluding to the usual kernel/blob binding then yes, you're limited to the usual annoying embedded-kernel-module-version-tie if you want those bits of hardware to work (but some is done via libhybris and is, I think, more kernel-version agnostic). Sorry. Rebuilding the kernel and/or adding modules is fine though.Also, yes, the NSA (or in our case more likely a far-eastern govt) probably have lower level access than you (via the blobs) if that's what you meant.(usual disclaimer that hacking this kind of thing without knowing what you're doing gets you an expensive brick) Jolla Review: Some Rough Edges, But This Linux Smartphone Shows Promise (Forbes) Posted Jan 15, 2014 18:11 UTC (Wed) by Arker (guest, #14205) [Link]


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