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the details of these known cases in the literature and their therapeutic efficacy were analyzed. case reports that included 10 or more patients were included. search strategy was based on pubmed, pubmed central, and google scholar using combination of terms such as breast milk discharge, breastmilk nipple discharge, breast milk nipple itching, breast milk nipple swelling, breast milk nipple hypertrophy, nipple breast milk discharge, infant breastmilk discharge, nipple breast milk discharge, and breast milk nipple discharge.
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mixed jaundice was described in 60% and other causes were bleeding, sepsis, neonatal hepatic abscess, necrotizing enterocolitis, or metabolic disorders. there are few case reports of mee of histiocytoid synovial sarcoma and mee of other non-lymphomatous retroperitoneal tumors. some of these tumors are metastatic from primary breast cancer with an unknown primary tumor, or as a result of cancer spreading to breast from some other primary site. it is rare to have eee and scc simultaneously in breast cancer. granulomatous and papillary reaction of breast lesions can mimic cytologically scc of the breast. rosai-dorfman disease or histiocytoid langerhans cell histiocytosis can be confused with reactive lymphadenopathy. immunohistochemical stains are very useful for the confirmation of these tumors [ 7 ]. conclusions: there is no established effective treatment for eee. treatment strategies are case specific and variable. pediatric patients with eee generally have spontaneous resolution and are not candidates for surgical excision. with topical treatments including corticosteroid and intralesional bleomycin, the pain and edema may subside in 10 days, however, this is not enough for most of the patients to void their bladder and some patients need further treatments. those who experience general discomfort or have mental and physical distress should avoid inducing voiding, and enema can be used as an alternative. surgical treatment should be considered if the pain or swelling does not improve, and is contraindicated for patients with a history of surgery or radiation to the genital region [ 38 ].