Official Mione Plus Xiaomi Mi 1S Stock Rom
Fastboot ROMs can be used to manually install MIUI software updates and unbrick devices by restoring the stock MIUI software. In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to install MIUI Fastboot ROM on Xiaomi, Redmi, and Poco devices using the official Mi Flash Tool.
Official | Mione Plus | Xiaomi Mi 1S Stock Rom
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The menu of the official stock Recovery Xiaomi, Mi, Redmi, POCO has a multi-level structure. You can navigate through it with the volume buttons. To select the desired menu item, press the power button.
XiaoMiTool V2 (XMT2) is a unofficial tool for your personal computer that you can use to manage your xiaomi smartphone rom and software and do some modding easily.XiaoMiTool V2 it's the follow-up of XiaoMiTool, with improved stability, more features and better graphics. XiaoMiTool V2 will take care of most of the operations you would need to do, from when you connect the device to your pc until the desired rom or piece of software is installed. XiaoMiTool V2 can download the latest official roms, twrp, root with magisk and decide which is the best way to install it on your device XiaoMiTool V2 is the all-in-one tool to make modding easy for everyone with a Xiaomi smartphone.
- Autonomous fetching of roms (when available): official roms (chinese stable, beta, global stable, beta), roms, twrp, magisk and more to come.- Autonomous fetching of device information and status: currently installed rom, bootloader status, recovery,...- Autonomous decision of installation type: fastboot, stock recovery, twrp, fastboot recovery and more to come- Autonomous device management: you enable the usb debug, XMT2 will take care of almost everything else (rebooting, querying information, sending commands)- Autonomous driver installation: don't bother forcing driver installation on your PC, XMT2 will do it for you- Autonomous tool installation: no other tool (minimal adb or else) is needed: XMT2 is all-in-one, install and run tool- Built in bootloader unlock tool. Works the same as the official one.- More to come
An organisation named Xiaomi Europe (, not a part of Xiaomi, was set up in 2010 as a community for English-language MIUI Android and Xiaomi products. issues its own versions of Xiaomi MIUI ROMs, based on the stable and weekly beta versions of the Chinese ROM.[9] Installing the ROM voids the warranty on Xiaomi phones; according to the leader, the official ROM must be flashed and the bootloader locked before returning a device for warranty repair.[10]