Free ((HOT)) Kamasutra Book In Hindi Pdf With Photo
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Free kamasutra book in hindi pdf with photo
The contents of the Kamasutra are given below, with rough translations of the various sections and parts of the text. The text in total has seven sections, each referred to as a book, and each book in turn has several sections.
Book VThis book has 6 parts and deals with the various ways and wiles of both men and women, and how one can make out whether an opposite member is attracted to them.Part I Characteristics of men and womenPart II Making acquaintancePart III Ascertaining emotionsPart IV Duties of a go-betweenPart V Behaviour of a kingPart VI Conduct of ladies of the inner court
Comparing this with the dryness of Western literature and its seemingly antiseptic view when it comes to human sexual behaviour, we see an astonishingly liberated and enlightened view in the East towards sexual desire. Lance Dane, who wrote one of the finest commentaries on the Kamasutra by a Westerner, has much to say about this fact. He says in his book on the science of Kama Shastra, We become aware of the comprehensive grasp of the inner man-woman relationship by the genius Vatsyayana, who lived sometime in the midst of the classical renaissance in the post-Christian centuries. The unabashed directness of his confrontation of sexual relations, the subtleties of his perceptions of feeling, mood and emotion, the delicacy of the nuances of love rendered by a mind, freed from all fears, inhibitions and awkwardnesses of the accepting routine society, have rarely been seen in any civilization.
Vatsyayana obviously did not write the Kamasutra himself. Love-making was alive and well in India long before him. But he did amalgamate many different texts into one corpus. Vatsyayana himself clearly states this in the very first chapter of the book: Salutation to Dharma, Artha and Kama. In the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of commandments in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence with regard to Dharma, Artha, and Kama. Some of these commandments, namely those which treated of Dharma, were separately written by Swayambhu Manu; those that related to Artha were compiled by Brihaspati; and those that referred to Kama were expounded by Nandikeshvara, the follower of Mahadeva, in one thousand chapters. Now these kamasutras, Aphorisms of Love, written by Nandikeshvara in one thousand chapters, were reproduced by Shvetaketu, the son of Uddalaka, in an abbreviated form in five hundred chapters, and this work was again similarly reproduced in an abridged form, in one hundred and fifty chapters, by Babhravya, an inhabitant of the Panchala, south of Indraprashta [Delhi]. These one hundred and fifty chapters were then put together under seven heads:
If we speak about life and destiny of Vatsyayana Mallanaga we may say that there is almost nothing about this person in the history. The only thing we know is that they suppose that by his origin he was from the South-West India and lived in the city of Khajuraho (that is where we can find amazing temples decorated with erotic sculptures) in the III-V century of Common Era in the times of ruling of Gupts dynasty (it is indicated by the events of those times described in the book). It is right with the ruling of the dynasty that is associated the dawn of the Indian literature and architecture. So, creation of the Kama Sutra is attributed right to this period.
Vatsyayana Mallanaga did not intend to write any pornographic book about sex. Vise versa, he planned and accomplished a serious work, a study about how to act to reach sensual happiness, i.e. Kama. The book describes everything that is necessary to know for reaching such happiness. Here, physical love is compared with scientific perception, perception of the world and themselves. Sexual relationships are a part of any human life, that is a part of experience and wisdom, and when you develop in this direction, it is important and it is absolutely non shameful. Unfortunately, such an approach to this creation is not developed among our contemporaries. Not many people can penetrate to the depth of meanings of this ancient study.
He understood that this book could not be any more possession of only India; the whole world needed to know about it. During another 10 years, Richard Burton was carrying the sketches of the very first Kamasutra, which Europe was just about to learn. Only in 1871 the speed of his travelling became lower that allowed him to collect his notices which he had collected during dozens of years, to take a pen to expose on a sheet of paper everything that he had learnt about the book during many years. And this became a start point of acquaintance of Europe and then of the whole world with the Kamasutra.
After that, since 1970 there started an active porn industry, which also caught up and started to develop actively brand of the Kamasutra in the whole world, making different films and educational manuals on sex positions. As a result, among many people, name of the book is associated exclusively with sex positions. Through the years, popularity of the book was growing as well as demand for educative literature about sex. Thus the Kama Sutra is known nowadays.
What should a sex be consisted of. The Kamasutra is a tool with the help of which sex may turn out to have a sacramental sense, including our feelings and perception aimed at getting the most enjoyment. Thus, every feature, e.g. scents, surrounding, lightening etc, are to be full of intimacy, hinting at forthcoming act of love. A couple should get rid of everything out of their room, leaving behind all the worries. Here, there is enough room only for their mind, soul and body: only he and she do matter now. The prelude, or a sexual game, has to be in the highlight of such a ritual. Remaining an integral part of the game, while prelude, one is able to express all the emotions and love to which the author of the book pays great attention. The sex itself, actually, is the high point of this game. Even in some cases, there is no need for having sex.
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